Not just anyone can call themselves a REALTOR®. To do so, real estate professionals must either be direct members of their association or be members of both their local real estate board and CREA, depending on the province. As well, they must abide by the ethical standards laid out in the REALTOR® Code.
Why does that matter to you as a potential home buyer or seller?
REALTORS® are expected to conduct business by adhering to a strict code of ethics, which states that they must always protect and promote the best interests of their clients, treat everyone and every situation fairly and honestly, protect all confidential information, and never try to intentionally mislead a client or incorrectly state a home’s market value. In other words, when you work with a licensed REALTOR®, you have a guarantee of working with someone who will be honest with you and always try to work in your best interest.
Buying a house is quite possibly the biggest financial transaction you will enter into during your lifetime. Why would you trust that job to anyone besides a REALTOR®? In addition to the peace of mind that hiring a REALTOR® brings, here are 10 more reasons you should use a REALTOR® anytime you’re looking to buy or sell a home:
- A REALTOR® has lots of resources to help you in your search for a new home—not all available properties are advertised, but your REALTOR® knows just where to look for up-to-date information and listings.
- Likewise, a REALTOR® can list your home for sale in places you may not have access to on your own, so other REALTORS® can see the listing and guide their clients toward you and your home.
- A REALTOR® can help you decide out how much you can realistically afford to spend on a home.
- A REALTOR® can be an objective party in helping you make wise home buying decisions without getting tied up in emotions.
- A REALTOR® can help you with all the nitty-gritty details of buying a home, like property inspections and reports.
- A REALTOR® can make sure you understand all the different financing options available to you.
- A REALTOR® can help you negotiate fair asking prices, financing terms, the date of possession, and other details.
- A REALTOR® can help you with the closing process and make sure everything goes smoothly.
- A REALTOR® can help you evaluate each offer that is given on your home and decide whether it is a worthwhile proposal.
- A REALTOR® can help you close the sale on your home quickly and efficiently and answer any questions you may have throughout the entire process.
If you’re looking for a licensed REALTOR® in Collingwood, Ontario who meets all of these qualifications and more, give us a call at the Hawkins/Ryerse Real Estate Group. Together, we’ve sold over $250 million in real estate in the Georgian Bay area, and we would love to help you manage the buying and selling of your home.